Blood Pressure Chart: Normal, Elevated, High Things You Must Know
You probably already are aware of the significance of monitoring your blood pressure and the myriad of ways in which it can influence your overall health.
But what precisely constitutes a healthy blood pressure reading, and how should one interpret the numbers that represent their blood pressure?
In this post, we will discuss what constitutes normal, raised, and high blood pressure, as well as the implications of these blood pressure levels on your own personal health.
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What do the numbers mean?
When your blood pressure is measured by a medical practitioner, the result is given as a measurement with two numbers, one number on top (called the systolic) and one number on the bottom (called the diastolic), similar to a fraction. Take for instance the reading of 120/80 mm Hg.
The number of millimeters of mercury used to measure blood pressure. This is what the mm/Hg measurement unit stands for. The following explains what each number indicates:
The pressure of the blood in your arteries when your heart contracts or beats is measured by your systolic blood pressure, which is the top number in your blood pressure reading.
The pressure of the blood in your arteries during the time in between beats, known as the diastolic phase, is measured as the bottom number of your blood pressure reading.
Both of these statistics are essential when attempting to ascertain the condition of your heart.
If your numbers are higher than the recommended range, it could be an indication that your heart is working harder than it should pump blood to the rest of your body.
What’s considered a normal reading?
Your blood pressure needs to exhibit the following for it to be considered normal:
a systolic pressure that is greater than 90 mm Hg but is lower than 120 mm Hg, and a diastolic pressure that is greater than 60 mm Hg but is lower than 80 mm Hg
When both your systolic and diastolic values are within these limits, the American Heart Association (AHA)Trusted Source deems your blood pressure to be within the normal range. This is important information to know.
If your results fall within the normal range, you do not require any kind of medical attention. Nevertheless, leading a healthy lifestyle and keeping a normal weight are two of the most essential things you can do to help lower your risk of getting high blood pressure.
If high blood pressure runs in your family, it’s possible that you’ll need to pay even closer attention to how you live your life.
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What’s considered elevated blood pressure?
A warning sign for high blood pressure is having readings that are greater than 120 over 80 mm Hg. It indicates that you need to pay attention to your blood pressure and concentrate on developing behaviors that are good for your heart.
You have gone outside of the normal range for blood pressure, despite the fact that these levels do not officially constitute high blood pressure. Your risk of developing heart disease and stroke goes up significantly when you have elevated blood pressure since it can easily progress into high blood pressure.
There is no requirement for the use of medication to treat hypertension. However, your physician may discuss the significance of leading a healthy lifestyle with you, including the benefits of maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, and engaging in regular physical activity.
What’s stage 1 hypertension?
If you have any of the following conditions, your doctor may diagnose you with stage 1 hypertension, which is the medical term for high blood pressure.
If your systolic blood pressure is between 130 and 139 mm Hg and your diastolic blood pressure is between 80 and 89 mm Hg, then your blood pressure is considered to be healthy.
However, according to the AHATrusted Source, if you just have one reading that is this high, it is possible that you do not actually have stage 1 hypertension. The average of your blood pressure readings taken over a set amount of time is what’s used to assess whether or not you have hypertension at any stage of the disease.
Your doctor will be able to assist you in measuring and monitoring your blood pressure to determine whether or not it is at an unhealthy level.
After you have started engaging in healthier behaviors, your physician may wish to conduct a follow-up appointment three to six months later if your risk level is reduced.
Once your doctor determines that your systolic blood pressure is greater than 130 mm Hg and you are 65 years old or older and otherwise healthy, he or she will most likely recommend therapy and adjustments to your lifestyle.
Treatment decisions for persons aged 65 and older who are struggling significantly with their health should be made on an individual basis.
Memory issues and dementia are thought to be reduced in older persons whose high blood pressure is successfully treated.
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What’s stage 2 hypertension?
Hypertension of the stage 2 variety is a sign of a more serious condition.
If any of the following apply to you, your doctor may diagnose you with stage 2 hypertension:
if either your systolic blood pressure is at least 140 mm Hg or your diastolic blood pressure is at least 90 mm Hg, then you have hypertension.
At this point, your doctor may likely suggest that you take one or more medications in order to get your blood pressure under control.
However, medication is not the only therapy option available at this stage. When it comes to hypertension, a person’s lifestyle choices are just as significant in stage 2 as they are in earlier stages.
What’s a hypertensive crisis?
A dangerous state of health is indicated by a blood pressure reading that is greater than 180/120 mm Hg. According to the AHATrusted Source, these high readings constitute a “hypertensive crisis.”
Even in the absence of any additional symptoms, a blood pressure reading within this range necessitates prompt medical attention.
If your blood pressure is within these parameters, you should seek immediate medical attention. You can also experience symptoms like the following:
Pain in the chest Shortness of breath Changes in vision Paralysis or loss of muscle function in the face and/or extremities Blood in the Urine Dizziness Chest pain Shortness of breath Blood in the urine Dizziness are all indications of a stroke.
On the other hand, an abnormally high reading may appear only momentarily, and then your statistics will revert to their usual range. In the event that your blood pressure measures at this level, your physician will most likely take a second reading a few minutes later.
In the event that your second blood pressure reading likewise comes back higher than 180/120 mm Hg, you will require immediate medical attention.
How is high blood pressure treated?
The treatment for hypertension is contingent not only on the patient’s current blood pressure reading but also on the patient’s lifestyle and other risk factors.
In cases of hypertension, the objective is to prevent the condition from progressing to the stage where it is considered clinically significant. At this point, it is not required to take any drugs. Your physician might suggest that you:
consuming a diet that is more well-rounded.
getting regular exercise
You should try to lose weight if you are overweight or obese.
Alterations to your way of life, such as those stated above and the following, may be recommended by your physician for hypertension stage 1:
If your blood pressure does not improve after one month of making lifestyle changes, you should consider lowering your sodium intake, finding healthy strategies to manage your stress, and talking to your doctor about possible medication.
Medication is the standard form of treatment for hypertension that has progressed to stage 2, in addition to leading a healthy lifestyle. To assist in the lowering of your blood pressure, your physician may recommend that you take one or more of the following medications:
inhibitors of ACE to stop the effects of drugs that constrict blood arteries
alpha-blockers, which aid in the relaxation of the arteries.
beta-blockers are medications that slow your heart rate and prevent the effects of drugs that narrow blood arteries.
calcium channel blockers, which relax blood vessels and reduce the workload of the heart; diuretics, which lower fluid levels throughout the body, including in the blood vessels;
Treatment must be started right away for a hypertensive emergency. It is possible to administer medications either orally or intravenously (through an IV).
The drugs that are utilized most frequently.
In the event of a hypertensive emergency, reliable sources include the following:
beta-blockers such labetalol (Trandate) and esmolol, as well as vasodilators like hydralazine, nitroglycerin, and nitroprusside; vasodilators like nitroprusside; (Brevibloc)
If you have kidney failure and your blood pressure is in the range that indicates a hypertensive crisis, your doctor may prescribe one or more of the following medications:
calcium channel blockers such as clevidipine (Cleviprex) and nicardipine (Cardene), as well as a dopamine D1 receptor agonist called fenoldopam, are examples of these types of medications.
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Preventive measures
Even if your blood pressure readings are within the healthy range, it is still vital to practice good preventative care in order to keep your blood pressure in the normal range. Your likelihood of acquiring high blood pressure, heart disease, and other problems of high blood pressure can be reduced as a result of doing so.
As you age, prevention becomes even more crucial. Once you reach the age of 50, your systolic blood pressure will often begin to rise, and it becomes a much more important factor in determining the likelihood of developing coronary heart disease and other illnesses.
Your chance of acquiring high blood pressure can be lowered or reduced by taking preventative steps such as the ones listed below:
Your intake of sodium (salt) should be decreased. If you want to maintain a diet that is good for your heart, you should strive to limit your daily salt intake to no more than 2,300 milligrams (mg). If you already have hypertension, you should consider reducing the amount of sodium you consume each day to fewer than 1,500 milligrams. To get started, take away the salt from the meals you eat. Reduce your consumption of processed foods as well, as they frequently include a lot of sodium that has been added.
Exercise regularly. When it comes to keeping a healthy blood pressure level, consistency is really essential. It is preferable to exercise for twenty to thirty minutes on a daily basis as opposed to a few hours exclusively on the weekends.
Keep your weight at a healthy level. If you’re already at a healthy weight, your major priority should be to keep it that way. If this is not the case, take action to handle it. Even a modest weight loss of five to ten pounds can have an effect on the readings taken of your blood pressure.
Cut back on the amount of caffeine you consume. Have a discussion with your primary care provider to determine whether or not your sensitivity to caffeine plays a part in the readings of your blood pressure.
Find healthy strategies to manage the stress in your life. Exercising, doing yoga, doing deep breathing techniques, or even meditating for just ten minutes might be beneficial.
Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink and give up smoking. Reduce your consumption of alcohol, or better yet, give it up completely. It is also very vital to give up smoking or to not start in the first place. Reach out to your primary care physician for assistance if you’re having trouble kicking the habit of smoking or cutting back on alcohol consumption.
Complications of high blood pressure
The complications that might arise from untreated or improperly managed high blood pressure can even put a person’s life in danger. It is possible for it to damage your blood vessels in addition to your organs. If you let your hypertension continue untreated for an extended period of time, it will do more harm to your body and will have a greater negative impact on your health.
The following are examples of potential issues caused by high blood pressure:
Attacks of the heart and the brain Maintaining high blood pressure over time can lead your arteries to become thicker and more rigid, which can raise your chance of suffering a heart attack or a stroke.
Heart failure. Because of the thickening and hardening of your arteries, your heart has to work more diligently to pump blood to the various parts of your body. This can result in the thickening of the muscle in your heart, which can eventually lead to heart failure.
Aneurysm of the aorta. Your blood vessels can become weakened and inflate out in the area where they are impaired if you have high blood pressure. This can lead to the formation of an aneurysm. When an aneurysm bursts, it poses a serious risk to the patient’s life.
Failure of the kidneys The arteries that surround your kidneys are susceptible to damage if you have high blood pressure. This may impair the kidneys’ ability to perform their normal function of filtering blood.
Vision loss. The blood vessels in your eyes are susceptible to injury if you have high blood pressure.
The disease of the peripheral arteries If you have hardened arteries, it will be more difficult for blood to get to portions of your body that are distant from your heart, such as your legs and feet.
Sexual dysfunctions and issues Erectile dysfunction in males and decreased sexual desire in women are both possible side effects of hypertension.
Vascular dementia. If your arteries become narrowed or hardened, this can reduce the amount of blood that is able to flow to your brain, which in turn can increase your chance of developing a form of dementia known as vascular dementia. A stroke is another potential trigger for this particular form of dementia.
What about blood pressure that’s too low?
Hypotension is the medical term for low blood pressure. A value of ninety over sixty millimetres of mercury or lower is frequently thought to be hypotensive in adults.
When your blood pressure is too low, your body and heart do not receive the adequate amount of oxygenated blood that they require, which can lead to the potentially fatal condition known as hypotension.
Several of the following are examples of possible causes of hypotension:
issues with the heart
dehydration and blood loss during pregnancy
infection of a severe nature (septicemia)
reaction to allergens that is extreme (anaphylaxis)
malnutrition endocrine issues
a number of pharmaceuticals
In most cases, a feeling of lightheadedness or dizziness will accompany hypotension. Have a conversation with your primary care physician to figure out why your blood pressure is so low and what you can do to boost it.
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