The Benefits of Adoption

If you ask adoptive parents “Why adopt a baby?“, they might show you a photo of the first time they met their son. They might tell the story of the summer they taught their daughter to swim, or describe the sound of their children laughing and playing together in their backyard.
Every parent has their own personal reasons for adopting, but at its core, the advantage of adoption is simple: it builds families.
Why Do People Adopt?
Adoptive parents come from many different backgrounds and have varied reasons for adoption. Some common reasons to choose adoption include:
- The adoptive couple has struggled with infertility and cannot safely carry a child on their own to term
- The adoptive parent is single and is ready to start a family
- The adoptive parents are a same-sex couple who want to raise a child together
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The Benefits of Adopting a Child
While many adoptive parents choose adoption as a practical means to start their family, the effects of adoption are often more profound and rewarding than they ever could have imagined. Adoption benefits families in countless ways:
- Adoption gives hopeful parents the opportunity to raise a child they wouldn’t have otherwise
- For couples struggling with infertility, adoption is a guaranteed way to add a child to their family, without the emotional and financial risk involved in IVF treatments
- Adoption allows couples and single adults to share their life with a child and enjoy the unique experience of parenthood
- Adoption builds rewarding, meaningful relationships between adoptive families and birth parents
- Adoption provides loving, stable homes to children who need them
While there are many reasons to consider adoption, it is not for everyone. Every family should consider the pros and cons of adoption, as well as their own readiness to raise an adopted child, before beginning the process.
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Are You Ready for Adoption?
There are many advantages of adoption, but adding to your family is a big decision. If you are considering adoption, you want to make sure that it is a good fit for your family before beginning the process. This may lead you to ask, Should I adopt a child? Is adoption right for me?
Here are five questions to ask yourself as you consider whether you are ready to begin the adoption process:
- Do I meet the legal requirements to adopt in North Carolina? Any adult may be eligible to adopt in North Carolina. However, you will need to complete a thorough home study process before you will be approved to adopt a child.
- Can I afford adoption? Adoption can be a significant financial investment, with the average domestic adoption costing around $35,000. You should research your adoption financing options and create a realistic adoption budget to ensure you are financially prepared for the process. There is a federal adoption tax credit to help with expenses and some employers offer financial assistance. There are also benefits through the U.S. Military.
- Am I emotionally ready to adopt? You and your partner must both be fully emotionally invested in the adoption process and be prepared for all of its emotional highs and lows. If you have struggled with infertility, this means you need to give yourself time to grieve and let go of your dream of having a baby biologically before beginning the process.
- Am I ready to be a parent? It is easy to get so caught up in the adoption process that you lose sight of the big picture: parenthood. Adoption is a lifelong process, and you have to be certain that you are ready not only to adopt, but also to raise a child.
- Why adopt a child? Some of the most important factors to consider before beginning the adoption process are your own reasons to adopt a child. Why is adopting a child a good idea for your family?
If you are struggling to decide whether adoption is right for your family, or if you want to learn more about the adoption process for hopeful parents, contact A Child’s Hope to speak with one of our experienced adoption counselors.