DISGUSTING EDITED SNUFF FILM FROM UVALDE LEAKED BY BAD ACTORS, imaginable ABBOTT., #DISGUSTING #EDITED #SNUFF #FILM #UVALDE #LEAKED #BAD #ACTORS #ABBOTT Welcome to BLOG, That is the newest breaking information and trending broacast that now we have for you in the intervening time: :
Those kids are being massacred AGAIN through the GOP and Greg Abbot, I worry. BEWARE SPIN, LIMITED HANGOUT
The Austin American Statesman and KVUE TV had been leaked a deceptive video through unknown resources nonetheless some more or less in poor health, unhappy manipulation recreation is in the back of it. That is NOT the transparency that Uvalde families are preventing for.
links, since all other people will see them in a while anyway. However it’s NOT the reality. its REDACTED HEAVILY for REASONS. BAD REASONS. BEWARE.
and KVUE
Pardon the breathless typing nonetheless one issue DISGUSTING has befell all through the wake of the Uvalde mass taking footage. EDITED, deceptive video has been leaked to a large number of Texas local information outlets in a planned effort to blunt and difficult to understand all the fact.
As soon as once additional after tough FULL TRANSPARENCY, the families of Uvalde’s sufferers are mis-served through the government who’ve been charged with the reaction to a faculty taking footage and the next investigations.
I don’t have the time to shed light on all the details, nonetheless while you happen to had been following my previous diaries, there’s a schism all through the Texas GOP and the quite a lot of LEOs who’re all finger-pointing and CYA’ing everywhere inside the 77 minute prolong in Uvalde’s Robb basic school in a 21 useless mass taking footage 2 months previously.
All the pressers and ‘studies” previously had been insufficient for most of the people and the families. Super ethical drive exists, and a huge political combat is all through the midst of all this. If ONE TENTH of the reality penetrates on what actually turns out to have befell in Uvalde, Texas should turn to a blue state in a while.
However a really wily faction is level managing the quite a lot of distractions, scapegoating, limited hangouts and outright lies and spin, spin spin regarding what in fact befell in Uvalde.
This video intentionally leaves out necessary portions of the “Standoff” and is edited in some way that distorts what befell. BEWARE that you just’ll get a FALSE affect of the 77 minute DITHERING through gazing it.
Im SICKENED through the relief at which the media has been continuously USED and performed correct proper right here to hold water for BAD ACTORS who should slow-walk the reality to loss of existence. CAVEAT EMPTOR. This leak has red flags right through it, and it’ll spread like WILDFIRE.
I want to narrate additional play-by-play int the tips, nonetheless to me, anyone who has followed this tale each day for weeks, this a scandal and a part, and a ow, low blow to the folk of Texas.
Watch The Complete V1deo