
How to Claim For a Stolen Car Registration and Insurance Cover

If you have a stolen car then it is possible that you may be involved in stolen car registration and insurance claim. It is very likely that this can happen if the car is left on the road, even if you intend to return it later. If you need to contact the Police then you need to find out how much it will cost to replace the stolen car registration and insurance. If you have any doubt about how much this will cost then you need to contact the Police as soon as possible.

Contact Vehicle Insurance Company

If you have a stolen car then you should contact your vehicle insurance company and advise them of the details that have been reported. You should also advise the Police so that they are aware of any changes that have been made to the vehicle. If someone attempts to use your stolen records then you must also alert the Police. They will be able to contact the registered owner and recover your vehicle.

Stolen Registration or Insurance Card?

If you have stolen car registration and insurance card then you must keep one copy with you at all times and give the Police this original document. You should keep a second copy with you and give this to the person who found the car or the Police. This second copy can be given to the insurance company and it will act as proof of the registration within 48 hours. This means that they will have 48 hours to react to the claim. If the company fails to respond to the claim then you may be entitled to compensation.

Police Report

A police report must be filed and the details included should follow the precise wording on the registration. You should fill in the claim form and sign it when completing it. You should then give a photocopy to the insurance provider and keep it for your records. If you are unable to locate your stolen policy then the police can issue a duplicate. Make sure you obtain a photocopy from your policy because you will need it to lodge any future claim.

If you do not get a police report then the policy will state that you were not responsible for the loss. However, if you do submit a police report then you would be covered for the theft. This would include any damages to your vehicle such as paint chips or dents. Any other repairs would also be covered by the policy.

Insurance Company

The insurance company will require a full description of the car that was stolen. It will then ask for any further information that is relevant to the claim. The stolen vehicle will have to be inspected by a police officer. This usually occurs within two days of the reported theft. If you have a police report and the damage is not covered then the insurance company will not pay for the repair.

If you need to make any other claims in the future you should download the article from this website. You will need to enter the plate number of the car that was stolen. The auto insurance policy will cover the damage done to the vehicle but will exclude any damage to the body or the contents of the vehicle. You would need to purchase a complete car and contents coverage to ensure that you have adequate protection.

Final Verdict

To obtain comprehensive coverage, you would have to purchase the collision and comprehensive parts of the policy. You can easily find affordable rates by using online services such as those run by independent agents. When you search online you can compare the prices offered by several companies. Before you make any claims you should make sure you have adequate insurance cover stolen car registration and no claims bonus.

For more valuable information visit the website http://techlytical.net/


Techlytical Process is meant to provide some insight into the exciting new world of information technology. It provides an introduction to information technology professionals and provides a brief overview of what it means to be a computer technician. It is important to note that the authors do not intend this book to be a complete description of all aspects of technology in the computer industry, but rather a concise and accessible introduction to a fairly broad subject matter that can serve as an introduction to a number of technologies.

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