
Different Types of Decorative Wall Decor/Artwork

Wall decor is usually one of the main things when it comes to interior decorating and creating a certain mood. Paintings. This kind of wall decor frequently tends to mirror the familiars taste and can take many shapes. Metal wall art.

This kind of wall decor has been on the scene a while. It was actually invented back in the 16th century by Christopher Columbus. The hanging lanterns were originally used as light fittings for their ship. Later they were used as wall decorations for the Portuguese as well as Dutch homes. In the US, they are commonly put on porches or patio doors. These wall hangings may be hung alone or they can be placed on tables, side boards, raised panel walls and even ceiling corners.

Framed Wall Decor

Another type of wall decor that you may find in most houses is framed wall decor. This may be in the form of framed paintings or wall portraits. The frames which are usually made of wood are typically intricately designed and are put up as a part of decorative schemes for special occasions. Framed prints made of metal and other materials also come in attractive shapes and designs.

Rustic Wall Decor

Then you have the rustic wall decor. Rustic wall decor has been around for a long time. It is not just American. You will find this kind of wall decor in traditional Mexican huts and other places of Asia as well. You may want to try this kind of wall decoration if you have an old house in an age that resembles those kinds of places.

Looking at the large poster ads that you find in newspapers, magazines, and online, you will find many wall artwork with images of people and other interesting things. Some are advertisements for television shows, movies, music videos and more. Leanne Ford was the original person who had a poster featuring herself and her car in a space capsule. These types of wall decor would be great for a room like her study or the bedroom.

Wall Planters Decor

Other types of wall artwork include wall planters. There is a great variety of different wall planters out there today. You can have ones made of concrete, stone, glass, ceramic, wood and more. One thing that you can definitely find in any kind of wall planters is life like tree and flower arrangements. You could have a wall fountain in your living room or even your bedroom.

Wall hangings are also popular decorative pieces today. Wall hangings such as old photos, family pictures, religious pieces, and even children’s drawings can add a beautiful mess in your home. But of course, not all wall hangings are suitable for use outdoors or on display. Some pieces are very delicate and need to be protected from the elements, so you would have to take special care when hanging them in your home. One thing you can do to prevent damage to these delicate pieces is to have the kids help you put these wall hangings up so they can see what their new piece looks like and help prevent them from hurting it.

Mirror Backdrops Decor

Another type of wall decor are mirror backdrops. Mirror backdrops are decorative pieces of artwork which are mounted on the wall and either stand alone or are used along with another type of wall decoration piece such as a vase or other piece of artwork. A mirror back drop can be great to pair up with some framed artwork because the reflection of a beautiful painting will look stunning on a bare floor. In addition to the beauty of a mirror back drop, it also provides a focal point for a room.

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